sábado, 2 de septiembre de 2017

Zora Neale Hurston

Zora Neale Hurston, escritora norteamericana, cuenta lo que vio en Haití sobre los zombis.

Este video es de 1943 y la autora había viajado a Haití para investigar sobre el tema.

Al final algunos datos más sobre los zombis y suspended animation

Y encontramos una foto de la autora en Belle Glade, Florida, de 1935.


Zora Neale Hurston on Zombies

… well, the zombies are supposed to be the living dead, people who died and are resurrected but without their souls and they can take orders and they´re supposed never to be tired…

I do know that people have been resurrected in Haiti. I do not believe they were actually dead. It was suspended animation

… People are not buried below ground there; they have the above ground vaults as they do in New Orleans…

… There have been proven cases where folks have been dead, folks thought they were done and months later somebody finds somewhere and some hidden place actually alive…

… It began to strike the dead body to wake him up at the same time holding his soul on his nose and he must answer because his soul is there…

… and when he answers they handcuff him so that he can´t resist and then they beat him and beat him and finally wake him up thoroughly and he´s carried in the center… and they must march him pass the house where he lived because if they don´t he will regain consciousness someday…

… and this particular zombie, whom I photographed, I think I’m the first person on earth and probably the last to be able to photograph a zombie, she had died in 1907 and nobody saw her anymore until 1937 when she was found naked on a road but she remembered a little…

The question is whether they can raise people from dead. They have brought drugs from Africa which the so called civilized world does not know about but they will find out perhaps eventually and which produce certain effects…


Algunos puntos

Algunas oraciones traducidas de la entrevista de Zora:

… I do know that people have been resurrected in Haiti. I do not believe they were actually dead. It was suspended animation…

… sé que las personas han sido revividas en Haití. No creo que hayan estado muertas en realidad. Fue una animación suspendida…


… The question is whether they can raise people from dead. They have brought drugs from Africa which the so called civilized world does not know about but they will find out perhaps eventually and which produce certain effects…

… la pregunta es si pueden resucitar a los muertos. Ellos han traído drogas de África que la civilización no conoce, que eventualmente conocerán, y que producen ciertos efectos…

Zora Neale Hurston and an unidentified man probably at a recording site, Belle Glade, Florida during an Alan Lomax anthropological visit that included Mary Elizabeth Barnicle
Zora en Belle Glade, Florida


A zombie is a mythological undead corporeal revenant created through the reanimation of a corpse. Zombies are most commonly found in horror and fantasy genre works. The term comes from Haitian folklore, in which a zombie is a dead body reanimated through various methods, most commonly magic like voodoo.

The Oxford English Dictionary gives the word's origin as Central African.

One of the first books to expose Western culture to the concept of the voodoo zombie was W. B. Seabrook's The Magic Island (1929), the account of a narrator who encounters voodoo cults in Haiti and their resurrected thralls.


Para saber

Suspended animation is the temporary slowing or stopping of biological function so that physiological capabilities are preserved.


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